
Blasting into Action with CYGNI: All Guns Blazing | TheXboxHub

Darren writes: CYGNI: All Guns Blazing will soon be landing on Xbox, PlayStation and PC - hoping to satisfy those itchy trigger fingers.

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Konami Game Line-up Preview: A Return to Glory | CGM

We got an exclusive preview of Konami's upcoming game titles, including Super Bomberman R2, Super Crazy Rhythm Castle, CYGNI: All Guns Blazing, and Metal Gear Solid Master Collection.

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320d ago

Interview with Meher Kalenderian of KeelWorks, Developers Behind Cygni: All Guns Blazing

WTMG's Leo Faria: "Cygni: All Guns Blazing is an upcoming twin-stick shooter developed by first-time studio KeelWorks, with Konami partnering up with the developers as its publisher. Little has been shown about the game so far, but one thing is clear: Cygni is aiming for vastly higher production values than your average arcade shooter, with impressive cinematics and gameplay graphics.

Upon finding out about it, there was so much about Cygni that immediately clicked with me. The first true next-gen arcade shooter was one. Having a big emphasis on storytelling while keeping the gameplay focused on arcade shootouts was another. Just remember how much we all like Star Fox 64 , for instance. Finally, partnering up with the publisher behind Gradius, Parodius, TwinBee, Axelay, and so many other space shooters from back in the day.

Despite not being playable at this year’s edition of BIG Festival in São Paulo, Brazil, we were able to have a quick chat with Meher Kalenderian, CEO of KeelWorks, regarding Cygni‘s developmental process, its main selling points, its sources of inspiration, and the team’s partnership with Konami."

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Interview with Konami's Michael Rajna

WTMG's Leo Faria: "I have seen a wide array of outlets and internet comments stating that Konami is back right now, as in, only after the announcement of the Metal Gear Solid 3 remake and the plethora of Silent Hill announcements in late 2022. I don’t particularly agree with that sentiment. If anything, I did state that the company was already performing a slow, but effective resurgence way back in late 2018, all thanks to actions like Castlevania Requiem, the VR version of Zone of the Enders, and partnering up with Nintendo in Super Smash Bros Ultimate.

This isn’t new for us, it’s just the natural course of what seemed to be a long-term (and unrushed) strategy. Over the past few years, we saw more releases, both in terms of retro collections and new entries in estabilished IPs. Thankfully, I was able to interview Michael Rajna, Senior Director of Business Development and Licensing at Konami, at BIG Festival this year, where I was finally able to ask about the company’s past, present, and plans for the future."

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neomahi363d ago

A rather generic interview with all the same diplomatic responses. There are all the tough questions that nobody wants to ask because, who wants to bite the hand that feeds, right? But it's the same sounding interview just with Konami