
Can Bethesda Make Elder Scrolls VI Good?

Bethesda has been on a downward trend for years, will they be able to turn things around with The Elder Scrolls VI?

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william_cade1641d ago

Maybe, but most likely it will be janky with last gen graphics. Bethesda was a gen behind last gen, so expect it to be similar this gen and I am almost sure TEDS VI will have a live service component.

SephirothX211640d ago

Skyrim was a great looking game when it released in 2011. Their games may not have had the same quality graphics as some other devs but the graphics wasn't a gen behind. Yet again idiotic non technical people making stupid remarks. I really wish there was a gaming site for programmers like me instead of this garbage site that is full of retards.

TheOptimist1641d ago

They have been streamlining and simplifying since 3. TO me teh franchise died at Skyrim. Oblivion and Morrowind were great tho. Don't expect anything from Bethesda at this point.

Fluttershy771641d ago (Edited 1641d ago )

Since Morrowind's days Bethesda transitioned from a Hardcorde Game Studio - kind of cult like- to a AAA massive developer... So, what changed? Well they got greedy. They start behaving like Ubisoft or EA nowadays... But there's still hope
Skyrim is only from 2011 (expansions from 2012), The same people that made it are the ones behind Fallout 76.
I know it is a thing nowadays to mock Skyrim, but at the very least you have to admit it was one of the most influential games of the decade. Fallout 4 was good in my opinion,yes aged engine, some glitches a lot of loading screens, but fun.
And even though Bethesda Game Studios output has been rather shaky the last 5 years or so, it hasn't been all complete sht (like Fallout 76 is) Bethesda still is related as a publisher to some of the best games of the decade in my opinion: Doom, Rage, Wolfy, Evil Within yeah I know they didn't develop these, but at least it shows taste!
What I'm saying is there's hope still, they still have the talent, they do have the resources, they just need the will.
Is not a Rare situation here

TheOptimist1641d ago

Do remember, those games you mentioned aren't made by Bethesda, they are published by Bethesda. Arkane is a studio with incredible pedigree, same goes with Tango Games and iD software. Not so much the case with Bethesda.

pwnmaster30001641d ago

Besides fallout 76, what game did they make that was horrible? Because tbh I don’t know game that was really that bad besides fall out 76..
What you gonna say Fallout 4. That’s sitting at a 88% in metacritics.
I really don’t understand the hate. They messed up 76 and now most likely they learned their lesson.

I love how gamers always want devs to try tsomething different but if they can’t perfect it right away, they bash them saying they are garbage and have fallen off. That’s why we get repeated shit because why would devs risk it, especially since gamers are super critical about a lot of stuff and pretty much act like babies.

Armaggedon1641d ago

People loved to give Bethesda crap before Fallout 76. It is constantly echoed that the engine is the problem. Truth is that most of these people dont know what the problem is that causes the jankiness in their games. I would say it's the same thing that caused jankiness in Witcher 3.

TheOptimist1641d ago

Idk why people bring up Metacritic in an age when critics are shit, but alright if that opinion matters to you that much, there is no point in discussing.

They don't try anything different, they just simplify the games to appeal to the lowest common denominator.


If I had a problem with jankiness in games, I wouldn't play RPGs in the first place. TES design wise is just bleh at this point even compared to the older games.

1641d ago
RazzerRedux1640d ago

Disagree. To me, Skyrim is Elder Scrolls at its best.

SephirothX211640d ago

Skyrim was an excellent game that got better reviews than Oblivion and Morrowind. They make one bad game (Fallout 76) and suddenly everyone forgets that Fallout 76 was just a half serious project. This is because people are stupid and make uninformed remarks. I put more hours into Skyrim than any other game from this gen or the gen before it.

TheOptimist1640d ago (Edited 1640d ago )

Both Skyrim and Fallout 4 were mediocre. Fallout 76 was just utter garbage.

And got better reviews doesn't mean anything. God Hand got a 3 from IGN even back in 2006. It still is right up there among the best character action games ever made alongside DMC and Ninja Gaiden.

UnholyLight1640d ago

I really want to believe with all the time they will have and the past failed or not as good experiences on recent games will push them back towards those days of releasing a truly compelling game during the next era. Like when Oblivion came out it was such an incredible achievement really for the Xbox 360 and Skyrim was fantastic but a little watered down.

I just feel like they can take those experiences of once being super respected and turn it around again. Things can change over time...maybe they will too!

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-Foxtrot1641d ago

If they included online in ANY form, even co op rather then giving it a well deserved make over with technical improvements then they’ll be dead to me.

SyntheticForm1641d ago


Their bread and butter has always been single player adventures; Fallout 76 and other greedy ventures have been disastrous.

Go back to pre-76 and get some better tech or I'm out too.

CaptainObvious8781640d ago

I diagree.

Anything other than a completely new modern engine made this century, including eveything you said.

But we all know that isn't going to happen. Tom is going to use his tired, 3 decade old engine and somehow convince himself that isn't a complete and utter joke.

isarai1641d ago

Seems unlikely, like im sure it'll be big and full of quests but their games have gotten more and more shallow and simplified to the point where its a bit of a streatch to call them RPGs anymore. Also everyone else has been stepping up their game on map design while Bethesda has still been using basic low res hight maps and cliffs made of a bunch of stacked generic rock assets thrown against a steep wall, overall they just look outdated in design. Top that with their current nosedive into horrid levels of monetization and broken games and i wouldn't bet a penny on them making ES6 any good.

SyntheticForm1641d ago

Complete and total scrapping of their current engine. Gamebryo and its variants and upgrades must die. Go Guerrilla and create a shiny new engine. None of these tinny looking and rickety feeling worlds with crappy visuals.

I don't think new hardware will be good enough alone; I think they need an all new engine with all new tools.

Rebel_Scum1641d ago

I agree with you on going with a new engine but theres a huge ongoing cost involved for them to do that. Its not easy for developers to pick up new engines, it takes time to familiarise yourself with the code.

Dunno what you mean about crappy visuals either. Skyrim as far as the dungeons and world still look great even today. Bit harsh I reckon.

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shinoff218319h ago

Damn shame I enjoyed their games.

XiNatsuDragnel18h ago

That's a shame but I'm excited for the new studio in its place