
EA May Add A Replay Editor To Its Games

EA has published a new patent that wants to add a replay editor to its games, allowing players to modify the captured gameplay content.

sammichosaurus1d 6h ago

They should fix their games first.

Knightofelemia1d 3h ago

Most likely comes with microtransactions and loot boxes.

Inverno17h ago

Nah you just gotta watch a short, unskipable, 30 seconds ad every time you use the feature. Those same ads will then be automatically edited into your captured gameplay before your video is stored online (no local saves), where they will have the right to use for promotional purposes.

Snookies1215h ago(Edited 15h ago)

Please don't give them ideas, lol! That definitely sounds like something they'd love to do.


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shinoff218319h ago

Damn shame I enjoyed their games.

XiNatsuDragnel18h ago

That's a shame but I'm excited for the new studio in its place