
Ghost of Tsushima comfortably beats Paper Mario to No.1 | UK Charts

But Paper Mario: The Origami King enjoys the biggest launch in the series to date

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TGGJustin1450d ago

Good to see it's done well for a new IP. As expected it didn't open anywhere close to TLOU2 or some other PS4 exclusives though. I still think it will end up being Sucker Punch's best selling game.

1450d ago Replies(2)
-Foxtrot1450d ago

"As expected it didn't open anywhere close to TLOU2 or some other PS4 exclusives though"

All I know is that this is a better game overall than The Last of Us Part II

I'm enjoying it way more, the game is beautiful, it has a great story and I care more about the characters, they are written/developed better.

SyntheticForm1450d ago

To be honest (and this has nothing to do with any TLOU2 disagreements) I feel the story is the weakest aspect of GoT. The characters are solid, I agree. Written and developed better? Again, matter of preference.

It's definitely beautiful. Whether it's any more or less beautiful than TLOU2 I couldn't say. Think they're both gorgeous games in their own right.

It's definitely fun to fight in this game, as well as take screenshots.

The Wood1450d ago

I'm just glad I get to enjoy both. Its their stories not mine so I'm good with tlou as every other aspect has been improved. I'm bouncing back and forth between the two. . . . Hard life ;)

phoenixwing1450d ago

i skipped the last of us 1 and 2 because i don't like survival mechanics, it's the same reason i don't play resident evil (also because it's horror). to me ghost of tsushima is one of my favorite games and i've only played 3 hours i just don't expect it to get any worse so i'm probably going to love it by the end. the combat is addictive to me.

JesusBuiltmyHotrod1450d ago

Come on its not even close to as good as tlou.

jznrpg1450d ago

I get to play both of them so I don’t care but I do know Naughty Dog has a certain level of quality that is hard for even Sony’s best studios to reaxh( besides ND of course) Plenty of people at my work who know nothing of the outrage and one of them mostly an Xbox gamer (who is skipping XBSX) love The Last of Us 2 . One guy is super religious even and he hasn’t mentioned “The Kiss” he just tells me how great the game is and I need to catch up to him . I haven’t had much personal time so I haven’t got very far in TLOU2 but it’s quality is undeniable . The story is always a personal preference but all of the people at work love it . That being said Ghost of Tsushima is a different animal and I will appreciate it for what it is . I have no need to compare it to another game especially games that have a total different basic design and story . It’s an open world samurai/ninja game compared to a narrative shooter so I don’t see why you would compare it anyway . I’ll just enjoy them for what they are . If a game isn’t fun to me I just set it down and move on I have such a large pile of games I can be picky but generally Sony exclusives are very well done and i finish them sooner than later

mkis0071450d ago (Edited 1450d ago )

Im having more pure fun and wonder in Ghost thats for sure. Ghost is right there in my genre preference though, while TLoU2 has elements that are. I really like TLoU on a technical, gameplay, and story level. I really like Ghost so far on an artistic, gameplay, story, and fun level. Glad they both exist.

Cmoney0071450d ago (Edited 1450d ago )

Ellie and Joel will always be more interesting than Abby and some other characters in the game because ND did a really good job in the first game of making the player care about those characters. Why should I care about other characters that don't add much to the story in the second game?

1449d ago
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sprinterboy1450d ago

Great game so far, scratching my head though at how gamers and reviewers have completed it in 20/30hrs?
I'm 30hrs in and only midway through act 2

garos821449d ago

reviewers are probably so sick of gaming by now, having to rush through every major release, i doubt their ability to review things properly for the most part. I never finish games in the hours mentioned in reviews it takes to finish a game

jaymacx1449d ago

Scissors beats Paper, duh 😂

adamo1449d ago

It's clear he looks exceptional this game, I've been waiting for it for a long time.

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esherwood1450d ago

I wonder what the game would have scored if it wasn’t exclusive. Game looks great but fanboys always take the extreme with exclusives

phoenixwing1450d ago (Edited 1450d ago )

honestly i think it would score higher, the fanboys of other consoles hate sony exclusivity. it would have been seen as a positive that it was giving assassins creed some competition but since it's exclusive it's seen as bad that it's doing that.

Kiwi661450d ago

"The fanboys of other consoles
hate " applies to all fanboys of any console as seen on a regular basis in the comments on here

sprinterboy1449d ago (Edited 1449d ago )

I don't see the AC comparisons myself, plus I'm baffled at how the say the combat is the same.
I get the impression gamers are button mashing because they haven't unlocked that many techniques because most gamers rush through the game.
I've memorized my buttons and play style, and loving the variation on combat but I've unlocked alot of techniques (30hrs in midway act 2)

esherwood1449d ago

Yeah and to balance that out the Sony fanboys give it all 10’s, hence an inaccurate score

RazzerRedux1450d ago

Exclusives are lightning rods both negatively and positively so I think the extremes offset in most cases.

Having played a good bit of the game, I think its score is fair. I would have given it a 8.5 or 9 at this point so not far off the metacritic score.

RauLeCreuset1450d ago

Assuming that the degree of positive and negative bias is equal, it still wouldn't have a nullifying effect on anything but average quality games.

RazzerRedux1450d ago

If you have a game with even numbers of scores in sets of 7, 8, 9, and 10 (average 8.5) and remove all the 7s and 10s then your overall score will remain 8.5.

RauLeCreuset1450d ago

That's not realistic. That's assuming all the bias will be located in all of the highest and lowest scores. What if the game would average a 9/10 absent any bias? Positive bias isn't going to affect that game as much. Positive bias will potentially account for only up to one point. The reviewer could hold just as much bias, only positive, as a troll who would give the same game a 6/10, but there is less room for the bias to affect the positive reviewer's score.

RazzerRedux1450d ago

It is realistic "Assuming that the degree of positive and negative bias is equal".

Your words, dude. That is what my last post was based on so...

RauLeCreuset1450d ago

I know what my words are. They're... my words. I even provided you an example to illustrate how the degree of bias can be equal but have an unequal effect upon the review score.

RazzerRedux1450d ago

Why are you pretending the bottom half of the review scale is used frequently? It isn't. Most games are rated 5 and above. GoT did not receive a score below 6. So my argument stands. You want to argue for its own sake? Knock yourself out. Done.

RauLeCreuset1450d ago

Don't get mad at me. That's how math works. If I wanted to argue, I'd ask you to provide factual data on how often games are rated below six and what percentage of those are biased reviews. Instead, I'll humor you.

Take the same scenario I described of a game that would be a 9/10 without bias. Say you have two reviewers, one with a favorable bias and the other with a negative bias. Both have an equal amount of bias that will affect their reviews by 2 points. The favorably biased reviewer doesn't have 2 points of wiggle room if it's a 9/10 game without bias. The most their favorable bias can affect their review is 1 point to make it 10/10. The negatively biased reviewer does have room for their bias to move the score 2 points to 7/10. That's not a nullifying affect.

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AspiringProGenji1450d ago

A good game is a good hame regardless of being exclusive or not. Maybe vet a PS4 and find out yourself why people are praising it

majiebeast1450d ago (Edited 1450d ago )

Dont be mad that xbox got nothing and their games are 6s at best and unfinished.

esherwood1449d ago

Majie your apparently the people I’m talking about. I have an Xbox this gen but probably going ps5 next and feel absolutely no loyalty to either. Just seems like such a weird thing to have pride in, not exactly a hard club to join

TKCMuzzer1449d ago

It would have scored higher, for some reason reviewers seem to think only games made by Sony need to innovate, Nintendo and third party can just keep making the same games and its fine. Double standards. A good game is a good game, its as simple as that regardless of innovation.

morganfell1449d ago

That's true but some reviewers obviously did not finish the game. And some reviewers state things haphazardly and never justify themselves. And a few were just nonsensical in their judgements Gamespot said the art direction tried too hard. And a few reviewers are from sites that think Caucasian developers (I guess it is their idea those are the only people that work at Sucker Punch) shouldn't be making a game about Japanese culture.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1449d ago
zsquaresoff1450d ago

Hope this sells well, hope both ps4 exclusives sell very well because both the games deserve massive sales numbers. Ps4, what a way to end a generation. On top leaving the competition eating dust.

fitofficial1450d ago

Ghost is a great game so far. Super bummed Paper Mario ended up missing the mark. I was looking forward to it.

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Ghosts Of Tsushima Tops US Sales Charts For May

May was a slow month for gaming and Ghosts Of Tsushima takes top spot for the month on the back of its Steam release

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Scissorman14h ago

Hellblade 2 nowhere in sight. =(

StormSnooper13h ago

It’s not on the same caliper game as GOT.

purple10113h ago

calipers are on bikes, its what you pull to brake. you mean caliber.

such as 'soul calibur'. the greatest game of all time,

I jest I jest. its pretty amazing on ps5 with the improved lighting and 60fps

Cockney12h ago(Edited 12h ago)

@purple 101
Not personal but seeing as you called him out, its actually "calibre"
"the quality of someone's character or the level of their ability"

Edited for spelling lol

StormSnooper3h ago

lol nice nice. We all learned something today.

Einhander197212h ago(Edited 12h ago)

Not surprising honestly.

repsahj5h ago

In case you want to know. It's #37 overall for the month of May and #21 on Xbox Series.

Rikimaru-0013h ago

that's amazing. this game is like 3 or years old and it's still killing it.

Scissorman13h ago

And it didn't have to launch Day 1 on PC to crush it.

4blender13h ago

If they released Gran Turismo 7 for PC, it would break sales records because it is an online game.

Deeeeznuuuts12h ago

I'd love to see Gran Turismo on PC but wouldn't it be easier to compromise the online? I don't know but maybe that's a reason it hasn't yet

TheColbertinator4h ago

I've been hoping Sony smells the cash and brings GT7 to Steam. Honestly would be my first purchase from Playstation directly since God of War (2018) arrived.

GaboonViper13h ago

Well done Ghost of Tsushma, i am so happy for the talented people at Sucker Punch, all i need now is the sequel.

northpaws13h ago

I wish PC getting good sales would make them continue to support the legends mode, I want to go back to it.

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10 Games We Hope Come To PSVR 2

The PlayStation VR 2, launches on February 22, 2023. While there are currently 30 games ready for the day one launch, this upgrade to the original PSVR offers gamers a lot more technology. The PSVR 2 is an upgrade in every way, from the screen inside the headset to the controllers.

With PSVR 2's upgraded hardware and tech, new gaming experiences of the highest caliber could be on offer — and even some older ones, too.

SullysCigar543d ago

Killzone and Motorstorm, please!

generic-user-name543d ago

First game on the list, Beat Saber, was confirmed on stage by Jim Ryan at their CES show case over a week ago now.


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