
GTA V release pulled forward on PS4 & bonuses leaked by Sony

It seems that GTA V was available for pre-order on European PSN on October 2nd. The entry has been deleted, but the website gameplane.de managed to screenshot the download list on their PS4, which reveals, that GTA V may be released two weeks early für Sonys platform.
In addition another entry revealed that there will be more bonuses than just the already known MP Pre-Order Cash Bonus.

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lelo2play3562d ago

If this is true, I see a sh**storm in the near future.

MasterCornholio3562d ago (Edited 3562d ago )

People get to play the game two weeks early.

What is there to complain about?

Its not like they are delaying the other versions by months which is what happened to watchdogs on the Wii U.

P.S Only if this is true though.

Mr_Writer853562d ago

I think he means from people with an X1.

Also don't forget this was put up in error, and the wrong date is most likely the reason it was taken down.

Gazondaily3562d ago

Would be a very clever move on the part of Sony. I would certainly be swayed by whatever version came out first.

higgins783562d ago

What's this Watch Dogs you mention? Oh right, now I remember...how awful, worse still, vanilla. To be honest, Nintendo are better without Ubisoft at all, a company built on advertising muscle and propaganda over anything innovative or brilliant.

vishmarx3562d ago

i dont see people crying about xb1 owners getting dragon age a week early

MRMagoo1233562d ago

Can't wait for this game, I have it paid off in full now thanks to the cancelled pre order of unity from yesterday lol.

Chrischi19883562d ago (Edited 3562d ago )

I guess he understood, that he meant X1 players, he was just giving an example of what happened with a Wii U game.

Well, I dont know, the whole GTA V hype is over. This is almost the same thing like with delayed games, all know the story, know everything about the game, how do they expect to sell just as much? By thinking all gamers are graphic whores? Not really nice of them, if you ask me.

Feralkitsune3561d ago

Well they did delay the Pc version lol.

XB1_PS43561d ago

@Septic You would be swayed by a re-released game arriving on a console 2 weeks earlier than the other?

I definitely would not. It takes a lot more than that to convince me one way or another.

starchild3561d ago Show
Chrischi19883561d ago

Starchild, you sound just like many PS4 fanboys on here, but if it doesnt happen to PS4 fans, then it is ok to make such dumb statements.

maniacmayhem3561d ago

I wonder why Starchild got marked for trolling when that is exactly how some sounded for TR.

I have never been a fan of GTA but the game looks gorgeous on the PS3/360 I can only imagine what it will look like on these new systems and especially for the PS4.

I wonder if the bonuses will be extra content or multiplayer modes...hmmmm, may be a good time to get back into GTA if this is the case.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3561d ago
spacedelete3562d ago

i'm not sure i care about 2 weeks early. the game should be out in October.

Thatguy-3103562d ago

I don't see why. I mean this game came out last year so people shouldn't have a problem waiting two weeks. That's if any of the information is true.

mcarsehat3562d ago ShowReplies(2)
madworld3561d ago Show
3561d ago
Magicite3561d ago

Sony made a deal with Rockstar, you jelly?

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3561d ago
theXtReMe13562d ago (Edited 3562d ago )

According to the preorder page on the USA store today, it is still coming November 18:

Grand Theft Auto V
Rockstar Games
Full Game|Released Nov 18, 2014

This full game is expected to be available in 42 days on 11/18/2014.
Pre-order now and get $1,000,000 in-game. Play the game on 11/18 starting midnight Pacific Time.

DIGITAL EXCLUSIVE: Pre-Order by November 3 to get a bonus $300,000 in Grand Theft Auto Online.


Though, if they want to bring it out a full two weeks early, Im not going to argue. I preordered it today via PSN... So I am ready to download it, whenever they upload it. :)

KAEM73562d ago

Does anyone know if there is going to be a upgrade program to upgrade my ps3 version to a ps4 version??

NarooN3562d ago

Nope. You have to buy it again at full price.

KAEM73562d ago

Thanks, bad news but thanks anyway. Guess I will trade it in and maybe get the ps4 version when it gets discounted.

MrChicagoWind3561d ago

ebay, craigslist, or any store that accepts trade ins. My guess is you can make between $15 to $35 depending where you sell it.

annoyedgamer3561d ago

Nope, sell your old copy back and wait for a discount. Don't let these greedy corporations rob you.

KnownAsEpic3562d ago

I hope it's true. I'll need more time to play Far Cry 4!

BattleReach3562d ago (Edited 3562d ago )

Could be. I copied this from the official Playstation Blog:

"Today, I’m excited to announce that if you pre-order Grand Theft Auto V from PlayStation Store by November 3rd, you’ll receive an additional $300K for Grand Theft Auto Online..."

November 3rd is one day before the rumored PS4 release date LOLL.

madworld3561d ago

LOLO for what this is a RIPOFF the game which almost every players buy,it is the same game with a little enhancement by full price that is a ripoff man for god sick BRO it is a foolish move especially from ROCKSTAR !!!!!!!!!!!

BluFish3561d ago (Edited 3561d ago )

Slow your roll, sparky, you bought and received the game you paid for. You didn't buy it because you'd be able to upgrade it in the future for free. If you don't think the upgrade it worth it, don't buy it. They owe you nothing.

I never bought it because I was waiting for the PC version. Patience can go a long way, young padawan.

Spinal3561d ago

Clearly you're not very smart.

When you purchase a product you should be fully aware of what you're getting into. When I bought mine on 360 I knew the next gen version would come later. I didn't care for that I enjoyed every moment of gta 5.

And now that it's coming to next gen I'll be enjoying the multiplayer much more on the new system with more players. More bounties for me to claim.

TheSaint3561d ago

Sorry, once more in English please?

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GTA 5 DLC: Parts of Canceled Project Made Its Way to GTA Online

A Former Rockstar dev has revealed that they were making a GTA 5 DLC, but it was scrapped since GTA Online was such a "cash cow," though it wasn't a total waste as parts of it made its way to GTA Online.

shinoff21833h ago

What a damn shame. Sinfmgle player dlc could've been so dope but nope fk you single player guys.

Perfect reason why I'm against single player games having multiplayer attached. Eat up more resources

JustMike752h ago

I'm disappointed that in GTA V have so few places to go in. :(

Rebel_Scum1h ago

Honestly sucks they couldnt do something for SP dlc. It wouldnt hurt their bottom line at all to do.


Why I Believe GTA 5's Story Mode Isn't As Bad As People Think

GTA 5's story mode deserves more attention.

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Ezio20481d 16h ago

Sure the story mode which got a 97 metacritic isn't as bad as people think. Stupid ass article.

GamerRN12h ago(Edited 12h ago)

Who actually thought it was bad? Personally, I think they should have finished the Story DLC to at least gauge sales and if it was worth it vs GTO.

Terry_B1d 11h ago

I think I did not see even one thought out piece by this site named tech4gamers yet. Nope..no approvals for this nonsense from me.

isarai1d 4h ago

Ive never heard anyone really complain about the story mode 🤨

cloganart19h ago(Edited 19h ago)

Just some people who didn't like that the story was split between 3 protagonists and kinda had weird pacing because of it.

Rebel_Scum11h ago

I didnt like how the heists consisted of 3 preparation/fetch quests which were dull as. Also there should’ve been more heists and more assassination missions.

It was pretty good apart from that.

But yeah some folks didnt like the character switch on release.

gold_drake22h ago

ehhh who exactly thinks the story mode is "bad" ?

Dudeson21h ago

The only bad about it is that there isn't any more! Cancelled story dlc to make online stuff... But hopefully gta 6 will be a great adventure again.

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GTA V Story DLC Was Reportedly Canceled Amid GTA Online Becoming A "Cash Cow"

A major story DLC for GTA V was canceled as a result of its online component, GTA Online, becoming a "cash cow", based on the latest report.

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TheNamelessOne3d ago

GTA 4 had stellar extra content. Kind of annoys me they really only pay mind to online elements with their games anymore. They have the money and manpower to offer both to players.

just_looken2d ago

It still gets me pissed off to see the lost in gta5 because they are just a punching bag that tlad dlc was awesome.

We could have had Trevor be replaced with someone that over time with your help made the lost a huge gang in gta 5. but na we just get Trevor that had 0 character growth and the worst mission's in the game.

Amplitude2d ago

lol we've all known this forever.

just_looken2d ago

yes and no there is more coming out beyond what was reported before

XiNatsuDragnel2d ago

Unfortunate I wish we had the Trevor dlc files to add it in ourselves

Iceball20001d 20h ago

They better not do the same with GTA6

Zeke681d 15h ago

They will for sure, online prints money for them thanks to the "whales" 😢

anast1d 20h ago

Yeah, they didn't make enough money to make a story DLC...CEO's had to get those bonuses...

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