The First Descendant Players Make a Petition for Fair Customization

The First Descendant Ajax walking

The First Descendant is a recently released free-to-play game. Many players enjoyed playing the betas before the official launch. Aside from some server issues, everything else ran smoothly. The players enjoyed trying out different builds, like Freyna’s or Lepic’s, until they noticed something that ruined one crucial aspect of the game. Now, the community is issuing a petition that would allow fair customization for all The First Descendant players.

A Petition for Fair Customization Unifes the Community

This petition started with only one player, AjaxMainn, who asked their fellow Descendants for help. This player stated: “Hey everyone, I’ve started a petition to address a major change in the game itself that has disappointed many of us. In the beta, just like in Warframe, we could customize our frames’ colors freely”.

They continued: “Now, in the final release, each color is a consumable that requires real money to replenish. This shift has taken away a beloved feature and turned it into a monetized frustration. Let’s unite and urge the developers to restore the permanent color customization we enjoyed in the beta. Join me in signing the petition to keep our customization fair and enjoyable”.

To us, this petition is completely understandable. Obviously, free-to-play games have to have ways of making a profit, unfortunately, the current approach enraged a lot of players. Seth-Cypher noted: “I don’t understand, they worked completely differently in the beta. Not sure why Nexon changed it other than making money”.

Burned by previous experiences, some players warned the optimistic community to lower their expectations. MikeIke7231 said: “I hate the system too, but this petition won’t do anything. For starters, petitions like these rarely, if ever, do anything. Add to that the fact that Nexon is a notoriously scummy developer, and you’ll realize this won’t change. Better to just ignore the character customization”.

The First Descendant character Ajax standing with a gun
Ajax is the best tank in the game. Image via N4G Unlocked

All The First Descendants Deserve Fair Customization

This entire petition for fair customization stems from The First Descendant players’ disappointment with the developers’ approach. The last drop was probably when the devs offered the players compensation after the FPS issues in which they gifted the entire player base with several boosters and 2 Red Dyes.

TerrifyingT explained: “This “compensation” is an item you have to pay to use. You cannot change the color of base weapons or Descendants. But they gave us red paint to compensate for the first-day issues. Red paint you cannot use unless you go buy a skin to use it on. I want to like this game, but even the “we’re sorry” has a bill attached to it”.

AtomicSpazz added: “It’s so frustrating having played the betas and watched the cosmetic systems walk backward as they attempt to monetize. The 2022 beta and the crossplay beta had stellar cosmetic systems, including reusable dyes. But Nexon gotta Nexon”.

What do you think? Was the monetization of every single dye use justified? We’d say no, but free-to-play games still have to turn a profit. Unfortunately, though, if the player base gets too unsatisfied there will be no one left to pay for the dyes. We can only hope the developers will hear out the community’s complaints and they’ll be able to create a game that would please both sides.


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