
Ubisoft Toronto lays off 33 employees 'to ensure it can deliver on its ambitious roadmap'

PC Gamer: "The plague of layoffs that's gripped the videogame industry since the start of 2023 continued today as Ubisoft confirmed that 33 employees at its Toronto studio have been let go."


CEO: “I layed off 33 people so I can get a higher paying bonus”

Lightning779d ago

It's always the studio and games that ppl like the most. I heard Plagues Tale 2 was really good.

Tacoboto9d ago

Huh? A Plague's Tale is made by Asobo, the Flight Simulator studio... It's not an Ubisoft game.

Lightning779d ago

Whoa wrong article wow wrong info from me.

jznrpg9d ago

That makes sense. We have a lot of work to do so let’s get rid of people

Seraphim9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

Overworked and underpaid is the Corporate way. Chin up bucko! Work harder, we know you can do it.

DarXyde9d ago

Sounds grossly contradictory, but my guess is the plan is to scare everyone else into being more productive.

Noskypeno8d ago

It's why I see so many hiring signs but then they say they're just taking applications. They want to get the workers in a mindset that they are so easily replaceable. I see a billboard next to a business that never takes down the hiring sign since it was created many years ago. If they really are still constantly hiring that means a high turnover rate, which means it probably sucks to work there.

FinalFantasyFanatic8d ago

Most companies will happily overwork, burnout, then replace employees, I've seen this happen in a few companies and even work in a place that does this. The turnover is so high, and it looks like madness to the long term staff (especially when you're constantly training newbies and failing to reach goals).

Noskypeno8d ago

Final fantasy, that does sound very contradictive of what a lot of CEOs tell us. I've seen plenty of articles about how expensive it is to train new employees, but they might be lying just to motivate employees to stay at a job a little longer than they want even if it doesn't have good working conditions. But I seriously doubt it costs 10 grand to train the average employee. They just want us to feel guilty if we don't want to stay at a bad job until we retire.


Ubishit at it again. All these gaming companies are just greedy fucks who do not give a shit about their employees. There is one that everyone should follow, rest in peace Satoru Iwata. "Nintendo CEO once halved his salary to prevent layoffs, and it worked—why that’s so uncommon today" https://www.cnbc.com/2024/0... It's uncommon because they are all greedy SOBs, which I have no respect for.

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shinoff218319h ago

Damn shame I enjoyed their games.

XiNatsuDragnel18h ago

That's a shame but I'm excited for the new studio in its place