
Xbox Bethesda Showcase: 5 Things We Want To See

Microsoft recently acquired Bethesda and it seems like we're finally going to see what that means for the gamers at the Xbox Bethesda showcase.

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waverider1138d ago

There is only two thing. Launch date and lack of bugs.

waverider1138d ago (Edited 1138d ago )

Thing we want. The title of the news. They are a quality studio and i think that the most important things are when they are coming and the lack of bugs.

Jericho13371137d ago

They’re referring to the whole conference though (including Xbox). If you read the article you would’ve known that…

RosweeSon1137d ago

A game, Any game
🤷🏻‍♂️😜 ;🤣✌🏻

CaptainHenry9161137d ago

You should blame the lack of bugs on Bethesda and not Microsoft

RaidenBlack1138d ago

STALKER 2 gameplay
Starfield gameplay
Horizon 5 gameplay
Current Machinegames non-Indiana project reveal
Current Compulsion Games project reveal
Current Arkane Austin project reveal
Other third party collab game announcement, if any

InAJayWay1137d ago

All very good points. I honestly hope we see even just one of the things you've mentioned. Especially Stalker 2.

MrDead1137d ago (Edited 1137d ago )

"we're finally going to see what that means for the gamers"

This is what I've been waiting for, showing Bethesda games on xbox means nothing as these games were always coming out on xbox. I want to know if MS has banned other systems from getting these games and what that means going forward.
MS taking Bethesda makes no difference to xbox owners but for the larger gaming world it would be nice to know.

Gamer751137d ago

If there is a contract to have games on other consoles that will most likely not change even though MS own Bethesda now

TheGreatGazoo301137d ago

They ready revealed that. Phil Spencer said they purchased ZeniMax to bolster their first party exclusive content. Some games that were already announced and about to release already had timed exclusive deals with Sony.

MrDead1137d ago (Edited 1137d ago )


I hope you're wrong, if not MS one of the wealthiest companies in the world spent $7+ billion buying Bethesda not to add to the xbox library as they were already getting Bethesda games, but they used that money to make everyone else's gaming library smaller.

It may be good for MS share holders but for gamers that just sucks.

RosweeSon1137d ago

They already changed em. Said they’d honour but obviously saw deathloop was getting a lot of love and did an Xbox 360 😑 was exclusive to console (Ps5) now it’ll be out September 2022 😑🤷🏻‍♂️ Not exactly honouring your deals is it if it was a full console exclusive which it was but it’s now a timed exclusive but Microsoft are for the consumer so they obviously don’t wanna advertise that they backtracked and their words can’t be trusted, call me when you drop something worthwhile, all this just wait for… been waiting 8-10 years shall I wait another gen 😑🤷🏻‍♂️ 🤣

Ausbo1137d ago

Well you’re actually wrong. It means a lot for Xbox gamers because now there are more games they won’t have to shell out money for. Xbox acquiring bethesda is saving a lot of money for current gamepass subscribers.

MrDead1137d ago (Edited 1137d ago )

"It means a lot for Xbox gamers because now there are more games they won’t have to shell out money for"

So removing other platforms access to multiplatform games is a good thing?

How can that service cover the cost of not only current xbox games but Bethesda games also? Don't forget that MS banning Bethesda titles from other platforms that pay full price for said games means the money has to come from somewhere. I guess forcing fans of Bethesda titles onto xbox might make some of that short fall up, but if not get ready for some major cuts in game development and future titles and a gamepass price rise to cover costs.

They do have a choice that could make everyone happy, keep Bethesda titles on all systems, that would also help with the cost of putting them on gamepass.

RosweeSon1137d ago

Clearly not banned they’ve got more stuff releasing for ps5 than they have their own console currently I’m sure all the games will get 12 months hell maybe even 2 years exclusivity. Just like PS4:5-PC 3-5 years down the line they’ll crop up elsewhere… 💰 you ain’t recouping $6 billion by limiting the games to the console with the smallest audience. 50 million ish compared to easy 100 million incoming for switch (Nintendo’s 2nd time after Wii) and PS4 already cleared it so that’s 3/4 consoles (for Sony) I’m sure 5 is gonna make it 4/5 to clear 100 million. So they gonna ignore all those hundreds of millions of gamers, I don’t think so 🤷🏻‍♂️🤣 personally not played Skyrim yet nor fallout 4 so I’m good for a few years not a major Bethesda fan myself. Arkane tho 😅😏😜luc kily still got dishonored 2 to play not like 3’s even been announced and we all know Where Deathloop is launching day1 and at barely £45/50 I’ll be picking it up day1 🙌🏻

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Minimoth1137d ago

I know it's too much to ask for a full TES 6 reveal but it would be great if they could at least tell us where it's going to take place.

InAJayWay1137d ago

I'd accept it being set in Slough if it meant a location reveal.

Minimoth1137d ago

Lol, I initially thought that was a location in Tamriel I haven't heard about but it seems to be a town in England, that I also haven't heard about XD

Relientk771137d ago

Besides Elder Scrolls 6, these are all going to happen.

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shinoff218319h ago

Damn shame I enjoyed their games.

XiNatsuDragnel18h ago

That's a shame but I'm excited for the new studio in its place