
Xbox plan more layoffs but perhaps a change in leadership is a better option

Xbox is planning more and more layoffs, though perhaps they're targeting the wrong staff.

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MrDead4d ago

MS wants to buy and consolidate the industry, the face of Xbox is irrelevant, they want control of multiplatform publishers IP's. They tried making games themselves but couldn't be bothered, in the end they decided to buy the success of others at the cost of others.

peppeaccardo3d ago

I think they are trying to save young kids and the whole human kind from the plaguing distraction of video gaming by laying off all the studios on the planet. They are on the right track ....

Jingsing3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Phil Spencer is Xbox CEO for life apparently. Literally every company in this business has changed out and swapped leadership. His ego won't let him walk away without something to hang his hat on. Guess what Phil, as long as you are there we won't let you have that victory for you to walk out on. So park your ego and leave. Situation won't change until a new person is in place with a better vision.

3d ago Replies(6)
RaiderNation3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Guys, it's over. Xbox as a dedicated hardware platform is done. You have to stop thinking about it in those terms. The console war is over. Xbox (or Microsft Gaming, as I think it will eventually become) is now a software and services provider. And yes, they will be the biggest publisher in gaming and make a shit load of money putting their games everywhere. A change in leadership is not going to suddenly bring back the 360 glory days. That ship has long sailed! It's best if everyone now starts seeing Xbox as EA or Ubisoft or Bandai/Namco.

S2Killinit3d ago

MS should fire itself from console gaming.

3d ago Replies(9)
purple1013d ago

Xbox came and tried to beat Japanese at electronics, how did they think it was going to go
And games to boot

This is like Australians trying to make pasta and claiming they’re better than Italy at pasta now

Simply not going to work

zacly3d ago

MS caught Sony during the 360 days. Blew it with how poorly the Xbox One announcement was handled.

BehindTheRows3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

They only “caught” Sony when Sony was slipping the PS3. Every other PlayStation has had no problem mopping the floor with Xbox.

purple1013d ago

Yeh agreed Sony got caught by releasing a $599 console, they won’t be doing that again in a hurry!

Good news is, this gives me hope for ps5 pro, as it will not be a total rip off. (Fingers crossed)

3d ago
-Foxtrot3d ago

MS caught Sony because Sony let their guard down, that's really not saying anything. If MS won and came out on top while Sony was at the top of their game it would have been more impressive but Sony quickly turned things around where they came out on top in the end.

Sony were a bit arrogant back then and the console was super expensive compared to the 360 but honestly looking back on it Blu-ray players alone were SUPER expensive since they were all brand new and with the PS3 you were getting a Blu-ray player and a console with free online. Doesn't make things automatically better but they were kind of a head of the game despite the price and the consoles architecture being hard to develop for.

FinalFantasyFanatic3d ago

Sony really messed up with the PS3, especially early on in the generation, things were very different towards the end (although Xbox probably had inflated sales numbers from RROD too).

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3d ago
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A Look Back At The Best Game Boy Advance Shooter Games

Shoot your way through this collection of the best Game Boy Advance shooters, including cult classics and some obscure gems.

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OtterX1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Yes! Glad to see some love for Dark Arena! Doom and Dark Arena were the first times I ever experienced FPS games in handheld, which was pretty mind blowing for that era.

I was actually playing Dark Arena again recently on my phone w a Razer Kishi controller and it gave me such warm fuzzy feelings, like revisiting an old friend I hadn't seen in forever. Still enjoyed his company. :)

*They should try to get Dark Arena on the GBA lineup on Nintendo Switch Online. It was never a big title, so it shouldn't be a huge investment for the rights.


Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE Plus Game Gets Physical Limited Edition for Steam

You heard it right, folks. A Limited Edition for Steam in 2024.

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FinalFantasyFanatic6h ago

I wish this would happen more often, there are a lot of Steam games I would buy limited physical editions for if they existed.


EA May Add A Replay Editor To Its Games

EA has published a new patent that wants to add a replay editor to its games, allowing players to modify the captured gameplay content.

sammichosaurus1d 6h ago

They should fix their games first.

Knightofelemia1d 3h ago

Most likely comes with microtransactions and loot boxes.

Inverno17h ago

Nah you just gotta watch a short, unskipable, 30 seconds ad every time you use the feature. Those same ads will then be automatically edited into your captured gameplay before your video is stored online (no local saves), where they will have the right to use for promotional purposes.

Snookies1215h ago(Edited 15h ago)

Please don't give them ideas, lol! That definitely sounds like something they'd love to do.